Oppose Restrictions on SNAP Benefits
Restrictions Don’t Work
Restrictions would not save money, but it would put us on a slippery slope of government bureaucrats deciding which foods and beverages some Americans are allowed to serve their families. This would ultimately grow the size of the federal government – allowing politicians to decide what people eat or drink.
Families who need financial help buying groceries make the same decisions we all do and should have the same choices. When it comes to beverages, families on SNAP spend an average of five cents per dollar. Families not on SNAP spend almost the same, at four cents per dollar.
Restrictions Don’t Produce Cost Savings
At a time when families are crippled by the rising cost of inflation, Congress would be encouraging tax hikes on families across the United States if it applied restrictions to the SNAP program. Designating beverages as ineligible for SNAP will encourage some states to remove sales tax exemptions from beverages, resulting in an immediate tax hike on beverages that would be paid by all consumers in nearly a dozen states.