We are the Americans for Food and Beverage Choice and we believe that we are capable of making the best choices for our families when it comes to what we eat and drink. If you’ve found your way here, chances are you feel the same way.
The harmful tax hikes and excessive regulations that the government wants to impose have real consequences for our everyday lives. Excessive taxes, restrictions and overregulation means families have a harder time making ends meet, neighborhood businesses struggle, healthy choices become limited and local families suffer.
We’ve seen the power of our collective voice all across the country – in places like Santa Fe, N.M. and Cook County, Ill. – where people came together to defeat excessive taxes on everyday grocery items. We want to give you the tools and resources to stand up for your right to decide what your family eats and drinks.
We believe we can make a difference for every family and every community if we work together to preserve our freedom to choose the healthy, sustainable and affordable grocery items that our families rely on.