Santa Fe’s rejection of soda tax a win for public health
Record numbers of voters turned out on May 2 to say no to a soda… Read More
Santa Fe voters saw through the beverage tax pushed by their elected officials and outside elites – and voted to defeat it by a wide margin.
In a historic special election, nearly 20,000 voters flocked to the polls to reject the beverage tax by a 58-42 percent margin. The people of Santa Fe sent the message that we can fund our city’s priorities without making it even harder for working-class families to live and work in Santa Fe.
People saw through the political agenda of outside forces like Manhattan billionaire Michael Bloomberg, who wanted to impose an unfair tax at the expense of hard-working families and small business people in Santa Fe. Voters were also fully aware of what happened in Philadelphia after its city council and mayor imposed a beverage tax on citizens. Sales spiked at retail outlets outside of Philadelphia’s city limits, and total store sales in the city plummeted – harming businesses and costing jobs.
Santa Fe’s citizens knew there was a better way for Santa Fe than taxes that target working-class jobs, wallets and businesses.
“Last May in Santa Fe voters turned out in record numbers to vote against a soda tax by a 58 percent margin”
– Albuquerque Journal
Record numbers of voters turned out on May 2 to say no to a soda… Read More
It is with much satisfaction that I thank the city of Santa Fe working class… Read More
A national trend in favor of so-called “soda tax” initiatives took a hit… Read More