Your Wallet. Your Health. Your Community.
Your Choice.

People feel taxed enough and don’t need to be told what to put in their grocery carts. We need to keep sustainable food and beverage choices affordable and available for all American families.

Americans for Food and Beverage Choice (AFBC) is working with people like you to protect consumer choice, health and communities by uniting against excessive taxes, regulations and restrictions.

We help you cut through the noise and check the facts about the issues that matter to you:

Protecting the choices you make to support your health.

The science is clear. Research and data show low and no sugar beverages are not driving rates of obesity – singling them out diverts us from real solutions to important health challenges. Limiting access to low and no sugar options affect Americans who are trying to live a more balanced lifestyle by lowering their sugar intake.

Protecting the choices you make to avoid government overreach.

Allowing the government to dictate what people can put in their grocery carts puts us on a slippery slope of government intrusion into other personal family decisions. Let each individual family decide what goes in their cart.

Protecting the choices you make to support affordable options.

Grocery bills are already too high – and unfair taxation will only worsen choices in the checkout line. Taxes on common grocery items are just bad policy.

Protecting the choices you make to support what’s best for you and your family.

Banning any family from going down certain aisles in the grocery store because of SNAP benefits restrictions strips them of the basic freedom to make personal decisions that are best for them. With inflation at an all time high, Congress would be sparking tax hikes on American families if it applied restrictions to the SNAP program.

There are better ways than unproductive taxes to address budget priorities and improve public health.

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